The Subconscious Mind

“When you focus the power of your subconscious, you can transform any aspect of your life.” The subconscious is responsible for 80% of your mental activity.

It is the master control center for all physical processes. It drives your habits, instincts, emotions, and imagination. It records all your perceptions from the day you were born. And it forms beliefs based on early impressions, emotional events and through subtle repetition. The subconscious isn’t logical or analytical like the conscious mind. And our beliefs aren’t always logical.

The subconscious doesn’t differentiate between fantasy and reality; it merely seeks to validate what we believe to be true. Through a proven psychological process called confirmation bias, we naturally (and often unconsciously) orient ourselves to people and experiences that justify our beliefs.

Regardless of how illogical or self-defeating our beliefs might be, the subconscious works to confirm them as real. And this all happens beneath the surface of conscious awareness. No matter your beliefs, doubts or fears, the subconscious strategically finds ways to make them real in your life. Hidden negative beliefs are more often than not the root cause of self-sabotage and bad choices.

The best way to focus the miraculous power of your subconscious mind is through programming in new beliefs about yourself and the world, by using ThetaHealing® BELIEF WORK.