These questions I get asked so many times by my students, clients and others frequently.

"Belief Work" is all about uncovering misunderstandings that created limiting beliefs in our childhood. These misunderstandings may have arisen out of imperfect observation, or from explicitly being taught incorrectly.

Our beliefs play an important role in what goes on in our lives and also our capacities of giving and receiving in every aspect of our life.

You name the aspect, whatever your mind believes to be true and real gets on your plate, whether it brings forward a pleasant or an unpleasant experience.

This is because our subconscious mind which is our hard drive doesn't know to discern the difference between positive and limting beliefs. All beliefs are the same for our subconscious mind.

Hence, doing belief work is important to spot the limiting belief patterns.

My personal favorite tool for over a decade now is ThetaHealing®. This technique is known mainly for its unique, beautiful, impactful way of clearing limiting belief patterns we hold not only from our childhood but also genetic, history and soul level.

Can you imagine every/any area of your life is cleared of limiting patterns and replaced with positive beliefs that contribute to your growth & progress!!??

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