Self-Care , Self-Love, being in your flow and glow are today's essentials and non-negotiable for most of us.

The good side of it is that - we are not burning or draining ourselves. We are making less unhealthy choices, compromises and honoring our needs, wants and our health more without feeling guilty.

But in the process of this time-segregation we might have found ourselves entangled/ stuck/ attached to some rules, regulations and checklists on how to go about your “me” time.

All these discriminations we have attached to the concept of self-care and self-love etc. Instead of it adding more ease, itlands up adding more stress to your mind and body.

Following up the restlessness of not doing it correctly as the so called checklist says. Even feeling guilty for choosing your way and also feeling compelled to choose the set way.

All these notions we have absorbed and have been feeding our mind and body over time from our collective consciousness and self drawn conclusions based on the collective consciousness.

If you are having coffee and talking to a friend qualifies as the ME TIME done right?

But if you were having coffee and wrote down that inspiration or an idea that just came to you is qualified as ME TIME done wrong?

I am not saying that you don't have your needful breaks and rest to rejuvenate yourself. I am drawing your attention to the layers of stress, hidden fears, checklists and judgments that have been attached to these concepts of ME TIME and WORK TIME.

Little do we realise that it is YOUR TIME period. Less classifications and labels tagged - the more you’ll feel the freedom on how you choose to spend it.

When we come from a space of inclusiveness the need to be in this constant conflict and stress within ourselves dissolves. Because there’s no longer need to keep fighting to justify to ourselves that I’m doing it correctly or feel that discomfort and restlessness if you're honouring your work time you feel you should be honouring the other and vice versa and this spiral stays on the loop.

If your "me" time was just time that had infinite freedom and inclusiveness vibe. Then, what would you do?

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