There's a huge trend in many communities, but especially in spiritual communities that glorifies renunciation.

Or we have this concept of "renunciation" glorified in our minds because of the limiting belief patterns we carry forward specially from our genetic and history levels??

These beliefs make you think, "I'm a better person because I dont have alot of money. I'm more spiritual." That is just another ego trip! There's is no truth in that at all. They're independent variables. There's no correlation.

For many of those people, in order to take their next spiritual lives to the next level, they have fo renounce their "renunciation." That's the next level of spiritual work is to allow the money piece to come in.

Thetahealing® can help you clear limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind to be free from these patterns of "Renunciation, Only having less money will I be more spiritual/ humble etc" and help you be empowered in making choices based on "love, abundance, prosperity and wisdom" and NOT make choices that stems from "fear".

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