Even though manifesting means making things visible, it's not like you can just wish for something, and it's suddenly in your life. You have to put in the work first, to manifest your dream.

Did you ever ask yourself if you really order from the universe? Sure, the universal laws form the basis for the manifesting process, but "order from the universe" is somewhat misleading.

You don't magically attract things from the universe. You simply set your filters to a different frequency. Your dream, your goal, your desire - it is already real. But you just haven't set your filter to it yet so that you couldn't see it until now.

Does this sound too woo-woo, not tangible enough to you? I get you. That was my problem for a very long time. So let me explain in simple words how our subconscious mind really works.

You need to understand that your mind is split into two parts: It is your consciousness and your subconsciousness. One is only executing; it is very easy to manipulate. The other is really the boss, who takes every decision in your life and has complete control over your actions, thoughts, your belief system, and your emotions.

The problem is that most people are mistaking the two. It is the subconscious mind, which is actually in control. Your conscious mind is only executing what it's told to do. Your subconscious mind balances the conscious mind.

The subconscious is taking all the information in and then tries to do its best to protect us from all the other noise.

The subconscious has control, but no will of its own. It's simply programmed like a computer or a robot. And you can learn this programming language and reprogram your subconscious mind.

When manifesting, you place these filters in your subconscious mind. And then you attract these things. In other words, these filters show you more of what you want to attract. They show you possibilities, show you the needed information, really show you the way.

You may have heard the quote before: The universe has your back?

Actually, this would be correct if we say, your subconscious mind has your back!

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