You could be contemplating this classic thought of - TO DO OR NOT TO DO, with anything micro or macro in your life.

There's nothing wrong in contemplation, it always helps to consider other perspectives that weren't noticed before.

Evaluation is helpful. It expands your awareness.

But what is also important is that it doesn’t comes from a space of fears and doubts. Because these thoughts will keep you locked in a spiral, which will only end up draining and exhausting you.

For me what has worked mostly is asking myself if this feels light or heavy?

If it feels heavy, I take a moment to see what is underneath the heavy and gain my awareness, acknowledge my fears, worries and "what ifs" around it and then make my choice.

Gaining awareness of these heavy layers around anything you are contemplating or evaluating, brings in that lightness and you know then what to choose without doubts, fears, insecurities, uncertainties, judgments attached to it.

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