Perceiving and constantly judging yourself as flawed and defective that "I need to be fixed" is one of the most common down spiral approaches I have noticed many take when it comes to self-care.

Looking after yourself isn't about judging yourself for not being enough, for not knowing enough and for not doing enough. When we are in constant judgment we deplete our vibes and energy.

Looking after yourself is more an act of kindness and being gentle with yourself as you nurture yourself and grow as a person.

Self-care isn't about proving your groove to anyone around you. It isn't about getting even with anyone by demonstrating your worth and value.

Self-care isn't a quick fix nor is it a fast road to feel better than someone. And definitely not a road to conquer your worth!

You know why?

Because we are born with Self-Value. And that goes beyond and above the idea of Self-Worth that our ego mind keeps us engaged with by making us question our worth all the time. (Lie of Inadequacy)

Self-care is profound.

It is - delicate + elegant, sweet + salty, wise + funny, being vulnerable + strong. It is about going at your pace by honoring the phase and season of life you are at.

It is really about having this deep intimacy with yourself as a whole - and that includes all your imperfections.

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